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Fishing Reports by Capt. Andy Boyette

9:39 AM

King Fish, Tarpon, Snook, And Redfish - I have been busy the last several weeks and the fishing has ranged from good to bad to ugly, depending on the conditions. The wind has been has bad as I have ever seen with some of the windiest days of 2009 last week. The wind has limited my ability more...
Capt. Andy Boyette - Boca Grande

9:41 PM

March Fishing Tarpon Snook Red Fish And Trout - Spring may have finally arrived. With the weather patten improving daily the fishing has steadily improved the only variable was the cold mornings scattered throughout March that made fishing conditions tough. These mornings made for some seriously t more...
Capt. Andy Boyette - Boca Grande

5:51 PM

Redfish Are Schooled Up Tarpon Around The Corner - With the cold fronts that past over the past week and low temps the coldest they have been in recent years, I took a cold run around the flats and backcountry waters yesterday.Fortunately the water temps have been low enough from previous cold weathe more...
Capt. Andy Boyette - Boca Grande

9:39 AM

Grouper Fishing - With the new fishing regulations coming into effect for grouper, I decided to take a quick fun trip offshore over the holidays. I accompanied Dr Dan Moenning and his father and father-in-law in search of dinner. we traveled west for over 12 miles bef more...
Capt. Andy Boyette - Boca Grande

8:36 AM

Winter Fishing - With winter temps occurring almost every other day, fishing has become an late morning or early afternoon affair. Most mornings are capped with extreme negative tides creating dry flats. The positive side is the trout redfish and snook are pushed in more...
Capt. Andy Boyette - Boca Grande

10:58 AM

Amberjack Fishing Boca Grande - Every year at this time, after spending some great fishing days inside the backcountry flats and tarpon filled holes of Charlotte Harbor, I take a annual trek offshore. With a break in charter action and the right weather conditions Capt Scot Hughes more...
Capt. Andy Boyette - Boca Grande

2:05 PM

Fall Fishing Fest - Its the best time of the year for fishing in the Boca Grande and Charlotte Harbor area now. With as much bait as you want to catch and hungry fish around every corner, a good trip will be a easy task. If you are throwing the cast net for bait you nee more...
Capt. Andy Boyette - Boca Grande

10:55 AM

Tarpon Fishing Is Still An Option - For those who think they have to wait till next year to fish for tarpon you better think again. Just like years past the tarpon fishing is as red-hot as it gets. Tarpon ranging anywhere from 20 lbs to well over a 100 are scattered throughout the area more...
Capt. Andy Boyette - Boca Grande

4:40 PM

Tarpon Tournament - This year's tarpon tournament fishing season was better than ever with the formation of Team TarponCharters.com. An unusual cast of characters consisting of Capt Andy along with 2 Doctors and the owner of a landscape maintenance company. You Can more...
Capt. Andy Boyette - Boca Grande

10:04 AM

Fishing Again, Menu Tarpon - I took a much need rest in the Florida Keys catching some several limits of Yellowtail Snapper, Mangrove Snapper and of course Spinney Lobster the first part of August. After returning my schedule was full for another week of tarpon fishing having be more...
Capt. Andy Boyette - Boca Grande

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