New Smyrna Backcountry Mosquito Lagoon Daytona Bch Orlando Area
Capt. Michael Savedow
July 5, 2017
Daytona Beach - Saltwater Fishing Report

Summer 2017 has been off to a great start for Indian River and Mosquito Lagoon backcountry fishing here at New Smyrna Beach Florida, water quality remains good, large numbers of bait fish schools through out the area, with mullet, pilchard, and menhaden. Morning weather has been great with pretty skies, light winds, and backwaters full of life, early morning surface striking game fish like Seatrout, Jack Crevalle, and Ladyfish eating minnows as well as jumping shrimp, on the edges and deeper holes we have also been catching Redfish, Black Drum, a few Snook, as well as summer Whiting, Croakers, Spots, and lots of Mangrove Snapper, most eating our live shrimp baits. Hunting Redfish on the grass flats of the Lagoon is a fun summer challenge to find and cast to shallow water Reds, regular client Robert from Daytona out with me recently got to see tailing Redfish, casting to a small school hooking up with this 28" fish also catching a couple other Reds and several Seatrout

Regular client Don also from Daytona brought his visiting friend along on another back country trip catching all the usual different species along with a quality size Seatrout

Repeat client Dwayne and family had a fun time on another back waters variety fishing trip with lots of catching, 9 year old Alex caught the big one a fine Black Drum

Don from Texas brought his son, nephew, and sister again on another mixed bag trip while on their annual Florida vacation, another fun trip with several Black Drum, Seatrout, Snapper, Jacks, Ladyfish and a few Snook including this nice 2 foot linesider caught by Don

New clients Pat and Chuck from Palm Coast Florida had a great time in the backcountry catching all the variety fish topped by Pat's big Redfish which just had to have our free lined shrimp

Repeat summer clients, 2 couples from Georgia came hunting Reds on the flats hooking several skinny water spot tails, Michelle with her good Redfish

..Josh landed a quality Seatrout while sight fishing the flats

...and wife Jamie also caught of one the good shallow water Reds

Fun Friendly Light Tackle Fishing Adventures
Closest Saltwater Fishing to Orlando at New Smyrna Beach
Calm Water Indian River Backcountry

Capt. Michael Savedow
Edgewater River Guide, Inc. Since 2003
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