Palm Beach Jupiter Inshore Report
Capt. Craig Korczynski
June 1, 2022
Palm Beach - Saltwater Fishing Report

Summer has begun but it's been a wet one so far, lots of rain and the wind continues. Freshwater run off has stained our inshore waters, but it has cooled water temperatures.
The snook bite has been excellent near spillways and canals where runoff's create moving water. Top water Rapala skitter walks, live baits and DOA Terror Eyz have been great choices. Snook are also gathering in local inlets as they prepare to spawn on the June full moon.
Tarpon action has been steady near channels where water is cleaner, temperature has been a key factor for the silver king. Run off water can cool temperatures fast, pushing tarpon to search for warmer waters. Live mullet and DOA Terror Eyz have been choice baits for my boat.
Jacks and other predators like sharks, grouper, bluefish, lady fish and many other species are being caught by anglers.
Freshwater the peacock bass continue to bed along shorelines creating great sight fishing. The clown knife are gathering near bridges and canal points as they ambush shad schools in the moving water from run off drains.
Well that is the fishing report for the past week hope you all enjoyed. Remember you can't catch them from the couch, so get out there and get hooked up. Tight Lines!
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Target Species:

Snook, tarpon, jacks, sharks, peacock bass, clown knife
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