Pensacola Bay Inshore Fishing Report
Capt. John Rivers
October 11, 2010
Pensacola - Saltwater Fishing Report

Pensacola Bay & Gulf October Inshore Fishing Report.
If you hit the waters of Pensacola Bay with the right baits during October and September, it'll be FISH ON! The Kings have invaded Pensacola Bay; they're gorging themselves on the massive schools of menhaden pouring out of the bayous, Escambia Bay and Blackwater Bay. During late September and October many kings show up in large numbers to feed on the massive bait pods. If you know where to go and have some fresh live menhaden in your live well, you'll be one happy fisherman for sure.

Not only have I been having fun with the kings in the bay, I've been out hitting the pass for reds and have had some nice strikes. Don't be surprised if you hook up a Spanish mackerel or two while out in the pass.
Bluefish and ladyfish are hanging around the flats just off Ft. Pickens, and throwing a top-water plug like a Top Dog from Mirr0lure will surely make for some exciting fishing.
The fishing isn't the only thing that is great about fall in Pensacola. The weather is wonderful; it is crisp and cool in the early morning hours, but by eleven, you can take off that jacket and enjoy the day in t-shirt and shorts. The water has been fairly calm, and the wind hasn't stopped us from getting out for a few hours.

Just offshore of Pensacola, the red snapper bite is red hot! Since the NMFS has opened up Red Snapper season on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays through the end of November, anglers have made the most of the weekends on the water. We are bringing home delicious filets to share with friends and family. Red snapper for dinner and apple pie for dessert is a perfect way to end the week.
Not only is the red snapper bite going strong, but so is the trigger and mingo bite. So what are you waiting for? Give me a ring, and let's get you hooked up!
See you on the water.
Capt. John
Mega-Bite Inshore Charters
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