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Fishing Reports by Capt. Fred Everson

2:57 PM

Snapper, snook and redfish - Mid day fishing has been very tough for the past few weeks because of the heat. I don't have a bimini on my skiff, and when the wind doesn't blow, it gets very hot, even early in the morning. But for those who can take the heat, the fishing has be more...
Capt. Fred Everson - Tampa Bay

5:41 AM

Snapper Bite is On - The early morning trout bite on Southshore Tampa Bay is a best bet in late July. Anglers are catching more trout, and bigger trout this year than at any time in the last 15 years. I think it's attributable to two things – the inshore net ban, and more...
Capt. Fred Everson - Tampa Bay

11:54 AM

Hot Snapper Bite in Tampa Bay - Wet summer weather continues to hamper local anglers. The fish are there, and they have been willing, but getting at them has been the problem. Virtually every time I've been on the water in the past few weeks, I've been chased off by thunderstorms. more...
Capt. Fred Everson - Tampa Bay

4:03 PM

Weather's Better -- Fishing So-so - The weather calmed a bit this week. The wind died down, and thunderstorms were minimal. However water clarity is still poor from the recent rains. I went snapper fishing one day last week with Mike Strickland and Bird Glass of Riverview. We had n more...
Capt. Fred Everson - Tampa Bay

9:03 AM

Water Clarity Poor, Weather Fickle - Water clarity is worse than poor and has been for months. There has also been a large algae bloom on the Pinellas side of the bay, attributed to a potent mix of high water temps, rainfall, fertilizer, and animal waste. The 14 mile long swath of a more...
Capt. Fred Everson - Tampa Bay

7:40 AM

Lightning and Thunder - It has been tough to get the boat off the dock for about a week now. Last week it was very windy and this week we have had thunderstorms nearly 24/7. The few anglers I spoke with who did get out said the fishing was pretty good. I watched a gu more...
Capt. Fred Everson - Tampa Bay

9:45 AM

June fishing keeps getting better - June continues to be the best month of the year for fishing on Southshore Tampa Bay. I am getting great reports from all over the bay on a variety of species, from tarpon to cobia to kingfish to Spanish mackerel. Keli Emery called me with a great more...
Capt. Fred Everson - Tampa Bay

9:54 AM

Big Cobia on the Marks - The hot trout bite continues for Southshore anglers, and in 15 years of guiding on Tampa Bay I have never seen bigger trout in this neck of the woods. There seem to be an abundance of fish over 20 inches, and that really makes for exciting fishing. I more...
Capt. Fred Everson - Tampa Bay

6:50 AM

Cobia, Tarpon, and Spanish Mackerel Make the Show - It would appear that the rainy season is a month early this year. Fishing has been good whenever the weather permits it, but that has not been very often for the past few weeks. The grouper bite is still hot by all accounts. Capt. Tom Rinehart to more...
Capt. Fred Everson - Tampa Bay

11:42 AM

Cobia on the Marks - May is generally a good month to look for cobia on the flats. This year that has not been the case. I've seen a few fish when conditions were right, but nothing like the numbers that were there in years past, and so far I've come up empty. The only c more...
Capt. Fred Everson - Tampa Bay

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