Venice Louisiana Fishing reports
Capt. Shawn Lanier
April 3, 2017
Venice - Saltwater Fishing Report

Venice Louisiana Fishing Report.
April 03 2017.
We have had several groups of anglers from Texas and one group from Massachusetts the last week staying here at the lodge and fishing with us for three days. Most folks that fish with us take advantage of our three day- four night package. I am glad most folks fish multiple days with us because every day we go out is not always that great, especially this time of year when we have a lot of instable weather. We target the big Redfish most of the time, and they tend to be just off the beaches and bays, so when the seas are up we have less places that are fishable. I wish we had a lot of 20 to 40 lb. fish in the river ponds, where the water is protected, but we don't. Anyway, we had a 70 plus Redfish day last week. These fish went from 14 to 27 pounds. The next day we tried the same area, but it was too rough to fish. We went around the corner from there and caught one the first cast, missed two real quick, then nothing for an hour. 15 gallons of gas later we boated six more Bulls. We had a couple days we boated 12 to 15 fish, but day before yesterday , after catching our Red Snapper, we boated around 30 big Reds. My clients called the trip at 11:00 a.m. because they were too wore down from three days of Bull Redfishing. The wind was picking up anyway. The fishing has been really up and down for us (most likely everyone else too, but I admit it when I don't do well). Superstar pro baseball players only bat around 300, not 1000. I try to put clients on fish with the conditions handed to me. My most experienced fishing clients catch more fish. I like all my clients no matter what skill level they have.
June is when the weather gets more stable, so the fishing gets more stable. Give me a call if you want to go fishing when it is at its best (hurricane season).

Target Species:

bull red fids
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