2012-12-10 11:53 AM
Oak Orchard -
Today is Monday December 10, 2012.
The rain of the past few days should keep the tributaries within Orleans County at a low fishable level and add some color to the tributaries that were running clear.
The smaller tributaries seem to be the best more...
Orleans County Tourism - Lake Ontario |
2012-12-03 11:21 AM
Oak Orchard -
Today is Monday December 3, 2012.
With the dewatering of the Erie Canal and the rain we received yesterday, water levels on all of the tributaries within Orleans County are at best moderate to low flows.
Even with these conditions Brown trout fis more...
Orleans County Tourism - Lake Ontario |
2012-11-26 11:25 AM
Oak Orchard -
Today is Monday November 26, 2012.
Well last week proved to be very interesting with the emergency shutdown of the Power generating plant on the Oak.
Add to that the delay of releasing Erie Canal water and the lack of precipitation which caused more...
Orleans County Tourism - Lake Ontario |
2012-11-19 12:15 PM
Oak Orchard -
Today is Monday November 19, 2012.
It seems like most of our fishermen have put down their rods and reels in favor of their guns for the opening of gun deer season.
For those die hard fishermen this is good news because it has greatly reduced the more...
Orleans County Tourism - Lake Ontario |
2012-11-13 9:55 AM
Oak Orchard -
Today is Monday November 12, 2012.
Some good size Walleye are being taken in the area of the wide waters of the Erie Canal.
It won't be long before the Erie Canal Corporation starts the DE-watering of the canal so if this is something that is of more...
Orleans County Tourism - Lake Ontario |
2012-11-05 12:23 PM
Oak Orchard -
Today is Monday November 5, 2012.
To those who suffered the full brunt of Hurricane Sandy, our thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of great struggle for you.
Here in Orleans County we are very lucky that the effects of that storm were more...
Orleans County Tourism - Lake Ontario |
2012-10-29 10:16 AM
Oak Orchard -
Today is Monday October 29, 2012.
With Hurricane/Tropical storm Sandy breathing down our necks, only time will tell what she has in store for us.
Right now though Perch fishing on the Oak has picked up both from boats drifting thru the Marine p more...
Orleans County Tourism - Lake Ontario |
2012-10-22 10:10 AM
Oak Orchard -
Today is Monday October 22, 2012.
There are Chinooks, Browns and Steelhead/Rainbow trout in all of the tributaries within Orleans County that feed Lake Ontario.
The problem still remains low water levels which makes fishing on Johnson and Marsh C more...
Orleans County Tourism - Lake Ontario |
2012-10-15 9:21 AM
Oak Orchard -
Today is Monday October 15, 2012.
Perch fishing seems to still be spotty, but those in the know say that the better catches start in November.
On Glenwood Lake good catches of Bass are still being taken.
On Lake Alice at the Waterport Bridge the more...
Orleans County Tourism - Lake Ontario |
2012-10-11 10:44 AM
Oak Orchard -
Today is Monday October 8, 2012.
The cooler weather and rain of the past week has really spurred the Salmon fishery on all of the tributaries that feed Lake Ontario in Orleans County.
On Oak Orchard River great catches of Chinook salmon are being more...
Orleans County Tourism - Lake Ontario |