Warm Weather Heats Up Top Water Fishing
Capt. Barry Brown
December 30, 2008
Pascagoula River - Saltwater Fishing Report
Several days of highs in the 70's have raised the water temperature to over 65 degrees. The warm water has moved the trout into the shallows and top water lures have been producing good catches of 2 to 4 pound trout.
The warm weather is expected to continue with highs in the 60's, and we expect the top water action to be good through the coming week. If you like top water fishing now is the time to go.
You can also do well with cocohoe jigs or live bait. It just depends on how you want to catch them. The trout are feeding well no matter what you throw at them.
This is also a good time to catch some nice reds. The best bet for the reds is live bait or cocohoe jigs along the dropoffs and around structure.
If you want to catch fish, now is the time to go.
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