January 2014 week 3 Puerto Rico Fishing Bill Wraps
Capt. Luis Iglesias
January 19, 2014
Fajardo - Saltwater Fishing Report

Saludos From The Island Of Enchanment
Happy San Sebastian Festival and Great San Juan Fishing.
One full week fishing of the San Juan Bay Marina Big groups and around seven charter boats fishing for big group conventions.
Out In the water The Legend, Grand Illusion, Irene, A Pescar, Double Hook, Sea Born and Bill Wraps.
Nice Billfish action sails, Whites and Small Blues. Mahi Mahi, Wahoo and bird piles with nice size yellow fin tunas.
The High lights of the week The Legend caught nice size yellow fins and released two whites. Grand Illusion Caught Mahi Mahi. Irene saw white but missed in he jumping. A Pescar double header of sails releasing one. Double Hook Mahis and Wahoos. Sea Born Caught two whites and one sail. Bill Wraps Double header of Blue Marlin and White releasing both on the first day, on the second day of fishing clients got seasick asking for return, on the third day triple header of sails and Sancocho on all three, bummer.
this next week following report.
till next bite
Capt Luis Iglesias AKA Church
Fajardo Fishing Forecast:

Fishing four days next week and the bite is expected to continue.
till next bite
Target Species:

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