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EUPRO Pro-Guide Program

PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:53 am
by shamrock
ATTN: Fishing Guides & professional Tournament anglers!
EUPRO Fishing - Tampa Bay's Pro-Guide Program

Eupro was founded by fishermen who understand the importance of quality fishing tackle that a working man can afford. As full time working fishing guides and charter captains who make a living catching fish, you have depend on your fishing gear and tackle. The main three factors when selecting tackle for a sucessful fishing operation are: Quality, Performance and Affordability. We at Eupro offer all three to our Eupro Pro-Guides.

As a Eupro Pro-Guide you will recieve exclusive discounts on all Eupro tackle purchases, as well as many other Pro-Guide benefits.

To learn more about Eupro's Pro-Guide program contact:

Eupro Pro-Staff director,

Sean Hagen at: [email protected]
1877 357-HOOK(4665)