What a incredible day whacking the yellow-mouths!! Who says you can't catch trout in 20-25 mph winds? LOL!! I jumped on-board with my good customer Lonnie Barr, BJ Schilling also joined us. We found a protected area with clean water and started whacking the trout. Double and triple hook up's as we had the trout flying over the gunnels from all directions. Good times as always!!! Purple Tiger Highlife Swimmers, blueback swimbaits, LSU Hackberry Hustlers double rigged did the damage. The trout went 15-20 inch's today. With the box full and the bite slowing down, we called it a day right before 12:00. Thanks guys for another excellent trip. Looking forward to our big trip in June.
Capt. Marty LaCoste
Absolute Fishing Charters, LLC
[email protected]