2008-08-10 10:15 PM
Offshore - The little fishing Ive done over the past weeks has been nothing but unproductive. I have been distracted by making short trips to the keys the past weeks for lobsters, the action has definitely been more exciting then that offshore bonito bite.
Capt. Colin Hickey - Jupiter |

2008-07-23 6:05 PM
Slow Summer Fishing - I just got back from Punta Cana. The fishing was alright there but I had to take up an offer to fish with Mejia and Peter down on the Interpido. We fished two days, the first day was a disaster, went 0 for 2 on White Marlin and 0 for 1 on Blues. Then more...
Capt. Colin Hickey - Jupiter |

2008-07-16 3:41 PM
Jupiter/West Palm Beach Fishing - The last several days we've caught bait from the Juno Pier to Jupiter inlet in 5-30 feet of water. We've cast netted small hadens around the bridges and large greenies and pilchards along the beach outside the inlet.
There has been a decent kin more...
Capt. Rob Mazzei - Jupiter |

2008-07-05 5:10 PM
Cold Tides Kill Bottom; Offshore Fishing Remains Moderate - Cold Tides swept through the area causing an upwelling last week. The water tempature was as low as 69-74 in some areas. The tides really affected a strong Mutton Snapper bite that has been on the reef. Many people were also catching nice flags with more...
Capt. Colin Hickey - Jupiter |

2008-06-29 8:15 PM
Summer Fishing - The first official day of summer was last week however the warmth of the water wouldn't make you think so. I just got back from the abacos where the fishing was the worse I have seen, after finding birds working bait in several spots there was nothin more...
Capt. Colin Hickey - Jupiter |

2008-06-09 6:30 PM
SouthEast Winds All Week - NOAA forecast shows 5-10 knt winds this week. This should push bait schools in along the shore, making a short run to target kings. The bait has been around finding it is the tough part.
I just got back from the islands, however all the talk has more...
Capt. Colin Hickey - Jupiter |

2008-06-02 9:41 AM
King, Dorados, Hoos, and Sails - With hundreds of boats out over the weekend in a 10 mile stretch it made fishing your favorite spots tough. Three tournaments were happening all in the same day, I would say bad planning on the tournament committees.
However, there were enough fi more...
Capt. Colin Hickey - Jupiter |

2008-05-28 8:28 AM
Kings, Cobes and Dolphin off West Palm Beach - King Mackerel finally showed up in great numbers off West Palm Beach over the last few days. Large schools can be found patroling the inshore reef out to the drop off.
Spanish Sardines rigged on a triple-hook rigs is all that's needed to catch you more...
Capt. Rob Mazzei - Jupiter |

2008-05-14 4:22 PM
Offshore: Summer Smokers are back! - Fished a KDW tourny the past Saturday. All the action our team had was a 7lb. dorphin (small dolphin) a nice sail and too many bonita to count. The winning fish was a 57lb. wahoo that struck a live goggle-eye in 150-200ft. The dolphin action was pret more...
Capt. Colin Hickey - Jupiter |

2008-05-01 1:48 PM
Offshore Jupiter Inlet - The day started with multiple knockdowns on the flat lines within 30 seconds after setting up the spread, In about 160ft staying away from the plethora of boats in about 110ft, the excitement was gone when two large bonita were the outcome. After get more...
Capt. Colin Hickey - Jupiter |