October Swordfishing
Capt. Mike Busse
November 6, 2017
Pompano Beach - Saltwater Fishing Report

Fishing has remained fairly consistent for the past month. We have had more good days than slow days. We have had several daytime swordfish trips including a daytime swordfish tournament, along with some mahi trips.

The mahi fishing has surprisingly remained good most days we have fished. Usually October is fair for mahi fishing. I am glad no one has told the mahi that. Most of the mahis are decent size ranging from five pound schoolies to twenty pound gaffers. The past week the mahi were in very close, around 100 to 150 ft of water chasing the schools of ballyhoo. We did have one trip where the mahi were very hard to find so we decided to do some deep dropping for black belly rose fish. We managed to catch about twenty decent size for our charter. Black belly rose fish are excellent eating.

We had three daytime swordfish trips in October. We caught swordfish on two out of the three trips, including a 110lb swordfish fishing the "Dirty Bird" daytime swordfish tournament. Our charter for the tournament had never caught a daytime swordfish so it was an awesome sight to see their faces when a nice swordfish was finally harpooned and laying on the deck of the boat. There we multiple boats with multiple swordfish caught during the tournament, including a nice 292lb swordfish that won the tournament for biggest swordfish.
Although swordfishing is good all year long, we get our main migration from September thru December. I forgot to mention that the sailfish are also showing up more consistently since our last cold front came thru our area.
I only have about one week left open for charters in November. So if its swordfish you are looking to catch now is the time. Give me a call or send me a text or email.
Catch Em Up,
Capt. Mike Busse
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