2005-02-14 12:00 AM
Report for Sebastian Florida - We’ve had three or four trips since our last report.
Joe Wajda of New Jersey and two of his friends enjoyed a day of so-so fishing, catching some sea trout and a load of silver trout.
Rick Pino and Jack Balme of Sebastian boated redfish, sno more...
Capt. Sal Tardella - Sebastian |

2005-01-30 12:00 AM
Report for Sebastian Florida - There hasn't been too much to report because we've been very busy restoring our neighbor's dock so that our boat can be secured and accessible. The Ferndale Lodge, where we stay every year, had its dock destroyed by the four hurricanes that hit Seba more...
Capt. Sal Tardella - Sebastian |

2004-12-30 12:00 AM
Report for Sebastian Florida - Last week we fished with Jack Balme of Sebastian, an excellent angler whose dock is still out of commission following the summer hurricanes. Water temps were low, and we had to deal with a lot of wind, but we caught about a dozen sea trout, some larg more...
Capt. Sal Tardella - Sebastian |

2004-03-22 12:00 AM
We've been fishing in Sebastian since January 1. For the past two weeks we've been catching monster crevalle jacks in the Inlet, as well as some huge reds--up to 30 lbs.--caught on live pinfish (which are hard more...
Capt. Sal Tardella - Sebastian |