Here are some pictures. Of are lake Champlain NY trip we took. What a drive to get there but it was better than working
The smallies were funny this year guys were saying the smallies were hard to find on the lake. Guess what they were right...LOL You really had to work for them this year. The spring trip was good but the fall trip was harder. They had 3 to 4 feet waves on the main lake so you had to pick were to go so a lot of the humps were a no go. So we ran to point after point and we got some here and there on traps reeling them in fast and sometimes ripping them out of the green weeds only. And using the floating crawfish beaver bait on the rocky bottoms worked also. The jerk bait was not a big show this time around. Water was 65 degrees and you can see 12 feet down. But overall it was a good trip and no work. Got to love that.