Dr. Fish wrote:First of all, I feel you should investigate or qualify the guides
Guides have to go through an application process before they are accepted on CyberAngler. Nevertheless, CyberAngler does not have the resources to
investigate guides. Give me a break. Who do you think we are? The
In addition, I have been fishing with a guide on Lake Toho who does fishing reporst by talking to people who actualy catch fish, no by his own experience.
As a general rule, CyberAngler allows compilation reports with information from various sources. Clearly, we would frown on guides representing this information as their own.
Some of the guides that work lake Toho and contibute to your report make claims of sponsorships that do not exist.
Again, CyberAngler is based on the
Honor System.
If we receive
multiple complaints regarding any aspect of a particular guide associated with CyberAngler, we will investigate further (as resources permit). In the past, we have removed guides for their indiscretions.
[Guides] should be required to report at lease once a week or lose the right.
I could not agree with you more!
But, we don’t live in a perfect world.
In a perfect world, CyberAngler would be making a ton of cash and we could afford to do background checks and substantiate all information on a guide’s application and fishing reports. In a perfect world, we could pay a select few pro fishing guides out of the thousands begging to provide reports.
Let me tell you about the real world in which CyberAngler makes a frightenly small amount of revenue - barely sufficient to support the technical requirements of maintaining a web site of this size. In the real world, CyberAngler could not exist without 100+ hours of volunteer time each month. In reality, there are a surprising few number of fishing guides willing to take time in-between their already busy schedules of fishing, boat maintenance, etc. to submit weekly fishing reports -
In the real world, CyberAngler is painfully aware that the available pool of fishing guides willing to provide reports for free is very small indeed. Although we require all applicants to commit to weekly report submissions, we have adopted a more paternalistic approach to dealing with guides that fail to meet their commitments, and our expectations. Yes, fishing guides are removed from CyberAngler for not reporting regularly, but only after we have given them every possible opportunity to succeed.
Finally, the real world is filled with people who are quick to criticize, but unwilling to lift a finger in assistance. If you are truly interested in seeing more up to date reports, please see my earlier post to this thread on what
YOU can do to improve the situation. And if you don’t like the service we provide, ask for a