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Fishing Reports by Capt. Hector Mesa

12:44 AM

Reef Fishing south of Fowey - We went out Saturday morning with a plan to head south to do some bottom fishing off the reefs south of Fowey light. The thought was to buy some bait from Ashley to save time rather than catching it. When Pedro from Ashley, reports that some Dolphins more...
Capt. Hector Mesa - Miami

11:06 PM

Sundown Yellow tail snapper fishing last thursday night - The plan was to hit the shallow wrecks North of Government Cut for a little late season snapper action; yellow tail snapper. We anchored up current of one of the wrecks in 55' of water and deployed the chum bag. In the process of getting things read more...
Capt. Hector Mesa - Miami

12:26 AM

A change of taste - I'm sorry for the delay of this report, but I've been tied up with other things. I headed out last Saturday with a different mind set. I knew the Billfish tournament was in the works, so I didn't want to get in between or around the participants, so more...
Capt. Hector Mesa - Miami

1:45 AM

Sailfish are here!!! - Sailfish season if definitely among us. For the first part of January it was a hit or miss. Some anglers were traveling way north or way south in order to find good current and clean water. With the multiple cold fronts passing through, conditions more...
Capt. Hector Mesa - Miami

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