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Fishing Reports by Capt. Larry Pentel

5:20 PM

Mahi Madness - The big fish news the past 10 days has been the Mahi ! While Panama city had a touch of Red Tide that seemed to make national news, we have had the prettiest water of the year off Grayton. Clear deep blue offshore water within 5 miles of the beach more...
Capt. Larry Pentel - Destin

5:09 PM

Changing Times (Zones) - Been a while since I wrote but I just got back from Indian Pass this week to a real computer. As always we had a big time over there but the Tarpons were scarce until right when we left. Naturally, they showed up thick after my last charter... We c more...
Capt. Larry Pentel - Destin

4:48 PM

Changing Gears and Seasons - Hard to believe it's getting towards the end of July and Red Snapper season is over for 2018. We have had a really great run of nice weather, I think I got to run 27 days in row until a blow 2 days ago. All that pretty weather had some fantastic fish more...
Capt. Larry Pentel - Destin

2:43 PM

Red, White and Blue on the Board - Whew, 4th of July and it's busy !!! I took the afternoon off to fix broke stuff and get off a very crowded beach. Fishing is still good, lots of Red Snappers. We even had a REAL one this morning, about 25#. Not that many big ones but plenty of goo more...
Capt. Larry Pentel - Destin

8:38 AM

Red N Easy - The opening of Red Snappers in Federal waters on June 1st had me running the pointed nosed boat with the Federal permit out 12 to 17 miles. We had some great catches but, boy, that was a lot of driving ! June 11th had 'em open in State waters and g more...
Capt. Larry Pentel - Destin

8:54 AM

Seeing Red ( Snappers) - June 1st, the official start of summer for most folks. Also the end of Triggerfish and Amberjack season for a couple months. BUT, the start of Red Snapper and Gag Grouper !! Red Snapper opened up for Federally permitted charter boats on the 1st so I more...
Capt. Larry Pentel - Destin

8:27 AM

Summer Time Fishin' Finally - After a very long and cool Spring it's finally summer here at the beach. The water and air temps are great, everybody's swimming and until today the weather and Gulf have been just perfect for fishing. The professional liars known as weathermen did i more...
Capt. Larry Pentel - Destin

10:24 AM

Warming up the Gulf - It's a beautiful, warm, calm, sunny day and I am on the hill. My charter had to cancel last minute so I am doing boat chores. I told my wife it's just too nice for me to fish, I go when it's chilly or bouncy or overcast..... We have had a lot of c more...
Capt. Larry Pentel - Destin

10:03 AM

Spring at the Beach - It's definitely Spring Break time here at the beach. Lots of families on vacation, lots of traffic and lots of fish in the box. I have been mainly taking out family groups with school age kids the past couple weeks and we have been wearing 'em out ca more...
Capt. Larry Pentel - Destin

5:52 PM

Marching into Spring - Been a long time since I stopped and wrote a fishing report. We have not had a lot of calm days to get out this spring. The temps warmed up quick after the record cold of January and we had a few real pretty days around Valentines. Last week had 5 ni more...
Capt. Larry Pentel - Destin

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