Everglades days, Jupiter nights
Capt. Bob LeMay
October 21, 2021
Chokoloskee - Saltwater Fishing Report

Came off the water just before midnight last night up in Jupiter. We did a bit of night-time docklight fishing, not finding as many snook as usual... Last night the full moon and a bit of wind might have had something to do with our results. Still we caught and released snook, lost one or two big ones, and in general, enjoyed our time on the water.
Last week I worked several trips out of Chokoloskee as well, where there's lots happening this time of year. Every October we see a big push of baitfish of every type along the Gulf side islands and the fish are feeding wherever you find them with lots of slot sized speckled trout, the first of this fall's good sized redfish, surprising schools of nearly adult black drum, and snook everywhere.. Here's a pic or two from those trips...
Plastic tailed leadheads were the ticket everywhere the snook were biting
Neal Jenkins with an 11lb drum, carefully released
Not to be outdone, here's Mike Cole with a 13lber... We found them just boiling up in schools of fifty to one hundred fish and eager to eat any lure we tossed their way...
We also caught and released both good sized goliath grouper and one under sized gag grouper. Not hard this time of year to catch a backcountry slam of snook, redfish, and speckled trout any day you can go with your choice of tackle - spin, plug casting, or the fly... . Add a tarpon to the first three - and you've done your first backcountry grand slam...
Where we were each day the tarpon did make a showing - but never in any numbers or any pattern at all so we never had much of a shot at them. The good news for the next few days is that there's no sign yet of that first cold front (and only a minor one the last two days of October...). If I haven't said it before - this is a great time of the year to be on the water...
"Be a hero... take a kid fishing"
Tight lines
Bob LeMay
(954) 435-5666
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