2016-01-12 1:52 PM
Jan 2016 -
Mosquito Lagoon, Daytona Beach and New Smyrna beach Fishing Report
The bite has been pretty good here on the Central East Coast of Florida even with the
weather being abnormal for the last couple of weeks. The cold fronts have finally decided more...
Capt. Patrick Rood - Mosquito Lagoon |

2015-12-18 12:56 PM
Redfish and Seatrout Schooling more Prevalent - Staying mild to warm so far this late November and now into December 2015 here in East Central Florida and our inshore saltwater area of Mosquito Lagoon and the northern Indian River. Water temperatures still up in the mid 60's to 70', along with hig more...
Capt. Michael Savedow - Mosquito Lagoon |

2015-12-13 5:51 PM
December 2015 - New Smyrna Beach,Daytona Beach and Mosquito Lagoon Fishing report.
It feels as though this year has flew by at the blink of an eye and here we are coming up on 2016. The weather conditions this year have been very abnormal to say the least. more...
Capt. Patrick Rood - Mosquito Lagoon |

2015-11-20 10:41 AM
Mosquito Lagoon and New Smyrna Beach Nov-Dec 2015 - Well, we finally have some colder weather in the forecast just in time for Thanksgiving. This is what we have been waiting for. With the extended cooler weather, the lagoon will get much clearer quickly so the sight casting will be awesome. The best more...
Capt. Michael Mann - Mosquito Lagoon |

2015-11-19 10:30 AM
DaytonaBeach Area NewSmyrna MosquitoLagoon Redfish - Water temperatures are finally dropping a little now in November to the mid 70 levels after a warm autumn so far in East Central Florida, water levels however are a different story with very high water still in Mosquito Lagoon and Indian River. Plent more...
Capt. Michael Savedow - Mosquito Lagoon |

2015-11-10 5:39 PM
New Smyrna Bch,Daytona Bch and Mosquito Lagoon - November 2015
Fishing Report: New Smyrna Bch,Daytona Bch and Mosquito Lagoon
With the month of November usually brings the beginning of cold fronts to our area but this year I am starting to wonder. But when the winter time cycle
does get more...
Capt. Patrick Rood - Mosquito Lagoon |

2015-10-17 9:15 AM
Oct2015 NewSmyrna DaytonaBch Lagoon Area - Water levels have been at an epic high flood level on Mosquito Lagoon after a heavy rainy season during late summer, Redfish hunting moves tight to shorelines and on shallower grass flats that are normally to skinny to float a boat, with flood condit more...
Capt. Michael Savedow - Mosquito Lagoon |

2015-10-11 2:13 PM
October 2015 - Fishing Report For: Mosquito Lagoon,New Smyrna Beach,Daytona Beach and Orlando Fl
With a hurricane off the the coast of FL a week ago causing a strong tidal surge along with a strong tide cycle this past month we have enough water in the Lagoon t more...
Capt. Patrick Rood - Mosquito Lagoon |

2015-09-23 6:01 PM
2015 fall mosquito lagoon - Fishing report Mosquito Lagoon Fall 2015
Well the whispers of fall are starting to arrive with some cooler temps and wind switching more Northward. Till mid to late October we will still be getting pig fish as bait and having good catches o more...
Capt. Michael Mann - Mosquito Lagoon |

2015-09-17 9:43 AM
NewSmyrnaBeach DaytonaArea MosquitoLagoon - Fall is just around the corner, first cool front passing through central Florida, but water temperatures still at summer levels in the low 80's, Mosquito Lagoon water still cloudy and fairly high, Redfish still in the summer pattern, scattered and in more...
Capt. Michael Savedow - Mosquito Lagoon |