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First Tunas of 2011

Virginia to Maine

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First Tunas of 2011

Postby Miss Loretta Fishing » Tue May 31, 2011 2:25 pm

Summer is here at Cape Cod, MA. The temperatures this past weekend hit 80 degrees-the tuna bite began to heat up as well.

With the Miss Loretta at the shop getting a new side scan sonar system installed, I had to resort to beach bumming it this past Monday, instead of hitting the Bank for a shot at our first tuna of 2011.

I did receive information today of two bluefins being caught. The first at the Southwest Corner and the second somewhere up on the middle of the Bank.

From what I've heard the fish were caught on live bait and a squid bar with one tuna measuring 78 inches.

Multiple sightings of giant tuna have also been trickling in.

The commercial tuna season opens this Wednesday, June 1st. I'm looking forward to getting in on the ensuing action.

Tight lines,

Captain Ryan Collins
Tuna Time 9.jpg
Giant tunas like this 673 pound bluefin caught during 2010, have been sighted in the waters around Stellwagen Bank.
Miss Loretta Fishing
Posts: 14
Joined: Tue May 31, 2011 2:11 pm

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